Stevan J. Arnold

Publications in approximate order of number of citations

The measurement of selection on correlated characters 1983 R Lande, SJ Arnold  Evolution 37, 1210-1226

Morphology, performance and fitness 1983 SJ Arnold  American Zoologist 23 (2), 347-361


On the measurement of natural and sexual selection: theory 1984 SJ Arnold, MJ Wade Evolution 38, 709-719


On the measurement of natural and sexual selection: applications 1984 SJ Arnold, MJ Wade Evolution 38, 720-734


Constraints on phenotypic evolution 1994 SJ Arnold Behavioral Mechanisms in Evolutionary Biology, 258-278


Directional selection and the evolution of breeding date in birds 1988 T Price, M Kirkpatrick, SJ Arnold Science 240 (4853), 798-799

 Visualizing multivariate selection 1989 PC Phillips, SJ Arnold Evolution 43, 1209-1222
 The adaptive landscape as a conceptual bridge between micro- and macroevolution 2001 SJ Arnold, ME Pfrender, AG Jones Microevolution Rate, Pattern, Process, 9-32

Hot rocks and not-so-hot rocks: retreat-site selection by garter snakes and its thermal consequences 1989 RB Huey, CR Peterson, SJ Arnold, WP Porter Ecology 70, 931-944


Animal mating systems: a synthesis based on selection theory 1994 SJ Arnold, D Duvall American Naturalist 143, 317-348


Estimating nonlinear selection gradients using quadratic regression coefficients: double or nothing? 2008 JR Stinchcombe, AF Agrawal, PA Hohenlohe, SJ Arnold, MW Blows Evolution 62 (9), 2435-2440


Sexual selection: the interface of theory and empiricism 1983 SJ Arnold Mate Choice, 67-107


Foraging theory and prey-size-predator-size relations in snakes 1993 SJ Arnold Snakes: Ecology and Behavior, 87-115


Understanding the evolution and stability of the G‐matrix 2008 SJ Arnold, R Bürger, PA Hohenlohe, BC Ajie, AG Jones Evolution 62, 2451-2461


Quantitative genetic models of sexual selection 2004 LS Mead, SJ Arnold Trends in ecology & evolution 19 (5), 264-271


The million-year wait for macroevolutionary bursts 2011 JC Uyeda, TF Hansen, SJ Arnold, J Pienaar Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (38), 15908-15913


The microevolution of feeding behavior 1981 SJ Arnold Foraging Behavior: Ecological, Ethological and Psychological Approaches, 409-453


The Darwin-Fisher theory of sexual selection in monogamous birds 1990 M Kirkpatrick, T Price, SJ Arnold Evolution 44, 180-193


Measuring the effects of pairing success, extra-pair copulations and mate quality on the opportunity for sexual selection 1995 MS Webster, S Pruett-Jones, DF Westneat, SJ Arnold Evolution 49, 1147-1157


Evolution of mating preference and sexual dimorphism 1985 R Lande, SJ Arnold Journal of Theoretical Biology 117 (4), 651-664


Multivariate inheritance and evolution: a review of concepts 1994 SJ Arnold Quantitative Genetic Studies of Behavioral Evolution, 17-48


Behavioural variation in natural populations. V. Morphological correlates of locomotion in the garter snake (Thamnophis radix) 1988 SJ Arnold, AF Bennett Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 34 (2), 175-190


The mutation matrix and the evolution of evolvability 2007 AG Jones, SJ Arnold, R Bürger Evolution 61 (4), 727-745


Species densities of predators and their prey 1972 SJ Arnold American Naturalist 106, 220-236


Evolution and stability of the G‐matrix on a landscape with a moving optimum 2004 AG Jones, SJ Arnold, R Burger Evolution 58 (8), 1639-1654


Correspondence between sexual isolation and allozyme differentiation: a test in the salamander Desmognathus ochrophaeus 1990 SG Tilley, PA Verrell, SJ Arnold Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87 (7), 2715-2719


Courtship and mating behavior 2003 LD Houck, SJ Arnold Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela 1, 383-424

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

The evolution of asymmetry in sexual isolation: a model and a test case 1996 SJ Arnold, PA Verrell, SG Tilley Evolution 50, 1024-1033


The Bateman gradient and the cause of sexual selection in a sex–role–reversed pipefish 2000 AG Jones, G Rosenqvist, A Berglund, SJ Arnold, JC Avise Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …


Pitviper mating systems: ecological potential, sexual selection, and microevolution 1992 D Duvall, SJ Arnold, GW Schuett Biology of the Pitvipers, 321-336


Validation of Bateman’s principles: a genetic study of sexual selection and mating patterns in the rough–skinned newt 2004 AG Jones, JR Arguello, SJ Arnold Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Series B 269, 2533-2539


Genetic tools for studying adaptation and the evolution of behavior 2002 CRB Boake, SJ Arnold, F Breden, LM Meffert, MG Ritchie, BJ Taylor, … American Naturalist 160 (S6), S143-S159


 Molecular systematics and evolution of Regina and the thamnophine snakes 2001 M.E. Alfaro, SJ Arnold Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 21 (3), 408-423


Quantitative genetics and selection in natural populations: microevolution of vertebral numbers in the garter snake Thamnophis elegans 1988 SJ Arnold Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Quantitative Genetics …


Courtship pheromones: evolution by natural and sexual selection 1982 SJ Arnold, LD Houck Biochemical Aspects of Evolutionary Biology, 173-211


Evolutionary biology for the 21st century 2013 JB Losos, SJ Arnold, G Bejerano, ED Brodie III, D Hibbett, HE Hoekstra, …PLoS Biol 11 (1), e1001466


Ecology and evolution of snake mating systems 1993 D Duvall, GW Schuett, SJ Arnold Snakes: Ecology and Behavior, 165-200


Genetic correlation and the evolution of physiology. 1987 SJ Arnold New Directions in Ecological Physiology, 189-212


Garter snake diets in a fluctuating environment: a seven-year study 1982 DG Kephart, SJ Arnold Ecology 63, 1232-1236


Performance surfaces and adaptive landscapes 2003 SJ Arnold Integrative and Comparative Biology 43 (3), 367-375


The evolution of mating preferences and sexually selected traits: group report 1987 IL Heisler, MB Andersson, SJ Arnold, CR Boake, G Borgia, G Hausfater, … Sexual Selection: Testing the Alternatives, 96-118


Drift promotes speciation by sexual selection 2009 JC Uyeda, SJ Arnold, PA Hohenlohe, LS Mead Evolution 63 (3), 583-594


An empirical test of evolutionary theories for reproductive senescence and reproductive effort in the garter snake Thamnophis elegans 2007 AM Sparkman, SJ Arnold, AM Bronikowski Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1612), 943-950


Intra-and interspecific relationships between morphology, performance, and fitness 1989 SB Emerson, SJ Arnold Complex Organismal Functions: Integration and Evolution in Vertebrates, 295-314


The effects of substrate and vertebral number on locomotion in the garter snake Thamnophis elegans 1997KC Kelley, SJ Arnold, J Gladstone Functional Ecology 11 (2), 189-198


MIPoD: a hypothesis-testing framework for microevolutionary inference from patterns of divergence 2008 PA Hohenlohe, SJ Arnold The American Naturalist 171 (3), 366-385


Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long‐term sperm storage 2005 EM Adams, AG Jones, SJ Arnold Molecular Ecology 14 (6), 1803-1810


Reproductive isolation and speciation in plethodontid salamanders 1993 SJ Arnold, NL Reagan, PA Verrell Herpetologica 49 (2), 216-228

A new vertebrate courtship pheromone, PMF, affects female receptivity in a terrestrial salamander 2007 LD Houck, CA Palmer, RA Watts, SJ Arnold, PW Feldhoff, RC Feldhoff Animal Behaviour 73 (2), 315-320


Ecological correlates of population genetic structure: a comparative approach using a vertebrate metacommunity 2006 MK Manier, SJ Arnold Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1604), 3001-3009


Reproductive isolation and speciation in plethodontid salamanders 1993 SJ Arnold, NL Reagan, PA Verrell Herpetologica 49 (2), 216-228


Stabilizing selection on behavior and morphology masks positive selection on the signal in a salamander pheromone signaling complex 2004 RA Watts, CA Palmer, RC Feldhoff, PW Feldhoff, LD Houck, AG Jones, … Molecular Biology and Evolution 21 (6), 1032-1041


Adaptive divergence within and between ecotypes of the terrestrial garter snake, Thamnophis elegans, assessed with FSTQST comparisons 2007 MK Manier, CM Seyler, SJ Arnold Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20 (5), 1705-1719


Quantitative genetic models of sexual selection 1985 SJ Arnold Experientia 41 (10), 1296-1310


Topping off: a mechanism of first-male sperm precedence in a vertebrate 2002 AG Jones, EM Adams, SJ Arnold Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (4), 2078-2081


Lineage-specific differences in evolutionary mode in a salamander courtship pheromone 2005 CA Palmer, RA Watts, RG Gregg, MA McCall, LD Houck, R Highton, … Molecular Biology and Evolution 22 (11), 2243-2256


A test for temperature effects on the ontogeny of shape in the garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis 1989 SJ Arnold, CR Peterson Physiological Zoology 62, 1316-1333


Stochastic population dynamics in populations of western terrestrial garter snakes with divergent life histories 2011 DA Miller, WR Clark, SJ Arnold, AM Bronikowski Ecology 92 (8), 1658-1671


Laboratory and field approaches to the study of adaptation 1986 SJ Arnold Predator-Prey Relationships, 157-179


Phenotypic Evolution: The Ongoing Synthesis 2014 SJ Arnold The American Naturalist 183 (6), 729-746


Too much natural history, or too little? 2003 SJ Arnold Animal Behaviour 65, 1065-1068


Sperm competition in a plethodontid salamander: preliminary results 1985 LD Houck, SG Tilley, SJ Arnold Journal of Herpetology 19 (3), 420-423


Monitoring quantitative genetic variation and evolution in captive populations 1995 SJ Arnold Population Management for Survival and Recovery, 295-317


Behavior, energy and fitness1988 SJ Arnold American Zoologist 28 (3), 815-827


A candidate vertebrate pheromone, SPF, increases female receptivity in a salamander 2008 LD Houck, RA Watts, LM Mead, CA Palmer, SJ Arnold, PW Feldhoff, … Chemical signals in vertebrates 11, 213-221


How do complex organisms evolve? 1989 SJ Arnold, P Alberch, V Csanyi, RC Dawkins, SB Emerson, B Fritzsch, … Complex Organismal Functions: Integration and Evolution in Vertebrates, 403-433


Dimensionality of mate choice, sexual isolation, and speciation 2010 PA Hohenlohe, SJ Arnold Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (38), 16583-16588


A recombinant courtship pheromone affects sexual receptivity in a plethodontid salamander 2008 LD Houck, RA Watts, SJ Arnold, KE Bowen, KM Kiemnec, HA Godwin, … Chemical Senses 33 (7), 623-631


The effects of stochastic and episodic movement of the optimum on the evolution of the G‐matrix and the response of the trait mean to selection 2012 AG Jones, R Bürger, SJ Arnold, PA Hohenlohe, JC Uyeda Journal of evolutionary biology 25 (11), 2210-2231


Tests for sexual isolation in plethodontid salamanders (genus Desmognathus) 1988 LD Houck, SJ Arnold, AR Hickman Journal of Herpetology 22, 186-191


Multiple mating: natural selection is not evolution 1988 SJ Arnold, T Halliday Animal Behaviour 36 (5), 1547-1548


Plethodontid modulating factor, a hypervariable salamander courtship pheromone in the three‐finger protein superfamily 2007 CA Palmer, DM Hollis, RA Watts, LD Houck, MA McCall, RG Gregg, … The FEBS journal 274 (9), 2300-2310


The measurement of selection on size and growth 1988 M Lynch, SJ Arnold Size-structured populations, 47-59


Rapid evolution of Plethodontid Modulating Factor, a hypervariable salamander courtship pheromone, is driven by positive selection 2010 CA Palmer, RA Watts, AP Hastings, LD Houck, SJ Arnold Journal of Molecular Evolution 70 (5), 427-440


Patterns of sperm use in two populations of Red-sided Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) with long-term female sperm storage 2014 CR Friesen, RT Mason, SJ Arnold, S Estes Canadian Journal of Zoology 92 (1), 33-40


Concurrent Speciation in the Eastern Woodland Salamanders (Genus Plethodon): DNA Sequences of the Complete Albumin Nuclear and Partial Mitochondrial 12s Genes 2012 R Highton, AP Hastings, C Palmer, R Watts, CA Hass, M Culver, … Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 63, 278-290


A test of the conjecture that G‐matrices are more stable than B‐matrices 2010 BS Barker, PC Phillips, SJ Arnold Evolution 64 (9), 2601-2613


Avian predation and the evolution of life histories in the garter snake Thamnophis elegans 2013 AM Sparkman, AM Bronikowski The American Midland Naturalist 170 (1), 66-85




Female mate choice and runaway sexual selection  1982 PH Harvey, SJ Arnold Nature 297, 533-534


Evolutionary shifts in courtship pheromone composition revealed by EST analysis of plethodontid salamander mental glands KM Kiemnec-Tyburczy, RA Watts, RG Gregg, D von Borstel, SJ Arnold Gene 432 (1-2), 75-81


Expression of vomeronasal receptors and related signaling molecules in the nasal cavity of a caudate amphibian (Plethodon shermani) 2012 KM Kiemnec-Tyburczy, SK Woodley, RA Watts, SJ Arnold, LD Houck Chemical Senses 37 (4), 335-346


Quantitative genetic models of sexual selection: a review  1987 SJ Arnold The Evolution of Sex and Its Consequences, 283-315


Inheritance and the evolution of behavioral ontogenies 1990 SJ Arnold Developmental Behavior Genetics: Neural, Biometrical, and Evolutionary …


Pheromone isoform composition differentially affects female behaviour in the red-legged salamander, Plethodon shermani. 2015  Wilburn, D. B., S. L. Eddy, A. J. Chouinard, S. J. Arnold, R. C. Feldhoff and L.D. Houck Animal Behaviour 100, 1-7


Pythonodipsas and Spalerosophis, colubrid snake genera convergent to the vipers 1982 H Marx, GB Rabb, SJ Arnold, SJ Arnold Copeia 1982, 553-561


Mass-rearing of plethodontid salamander eggs SJ Arnold, J Bernardo Amphibia-Reptilia 20 (2), 219-224


Can the Fisher-Lande process account for birds-of-paradise and other sexual radiations? 2016 SJ Arnold, LD Houck The American Naturalist 187, 717-735


The evolution of courtship behavior in plethodontid salamanders, contrasting patterns of stasis and diversification 2017 SJ Arnold, KM Kiemnec-Tyburczy, LD Houck Herpetologica 73 (3), 190-205


Systematics at the turn of a century  2000 SJ Arnold The Biology of Plethodontid Salamanders, 167-178


Gene duplication, co-option, structural evolution, and phenotypic tango in the courtship pheromones of plethodontid salamanders 2017 DB Wilburn, SJ Arnold, LD Houck, PW Feldhoff, RC Feldhoff Herpetologica 73 (3), 206-219


Courtship behavior of the Yonahlossee Salamander (Plethodon yonahlossee): observations in the field and laboratory 2017TW Pierson, SJ Arnold, MK Hamed, W Lattea, ET Carter Herpetological Biology and Conservation 12, 1-15

Correlational selection in the age of genomics 2021 EI Svensson, SJ Arnold, R Bürger, K Csilléry, J Draghi, JM Henshaw, … Nature ecology & evolution, 1-12


Courtship in the torrent salamander, Rhyacotriton, has an ancient and stable history 2017 K Doten, GW Bury, M Rudenko, SJ Arnold Herpetol Cons Biol 12, 457-69


Characterization of two putative cytokine receptors, gp130 and ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor, from terrestrial salamanders 2011 KM Kiemnec-Tyburczy, RA Watts, SJ Arnold Genes & Genetic Systems 86 (2), 131-137


Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (Spring Salamander). Male combat  2002 J Bernardo, SJ Arnold Herpetological Review 33, 121-122




Bite performance surfaces of three ecologically divergent Iguanidae lizards: relationships with lower jaw bones 2019 MN Simon, R Brandt, T Kohlsdorf, SJ Arnold Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 127 (4), 810-825


Evolutionarily divergent patterns of age-specific reproduction in the garter snake Thamnophis elegans 2005 AM Sparkman, SJ Arnold, AM Bronikowski, MJ Herriges Integrative and Comparative Biology 45 (6), 1196


Summary of current status of Oregon’s biodiversity 2000 SJ Arnold, J Kagan, B Taylor The Oregon State of the Environment Report 2000, 121-126


The effects of epistasis and pleiotropy on genome-wide scans for adaptive outlier loci 2019 AG Jones, SJ Arnold, R Bürger Journal of Heredity 110 (4), 494-513


Snakes, the evolution of mystery in nature 1998 SJ Arnold Integrative Biology 1 (2), 76-77


Snakes: ecology and evolutionary biology 1988 SJ Arnold Herpetologica 44, 259-260


Natural selection in the wild1987 SJ Arnold Animal Behaviour 35 (1), 308-309

Measuring selection. 1986 SJ Arnold Science (New York, NY) 232 (4747), 271

Sociobiology evolving 1981 SJ Arnold Evolution 35 (4), 824-825


Tim Halliday 1945–2019 2019 CR Gabor, M Petrie, SJ Arnold Journal of Zoology 308 (3), 231-233


What Shapes Trait Covariation and How Does Trait Covariation Shape Phenotypic Divergence of Skulls in Toads and Lizards 2019 MN Simon, R Brandt, T Kohlsdorf, SJ Arnold, G Marroig JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 280, S63-S63


The G-matrix Simulator Family: Software for Research and Teaching 2018 AG Jones, R Bürger, SJ Arnold Journal of Heredity 109 (7), 825-829

Russell Lande  2009 SJ Arnold Evolution, The First Four Billion Years, 675-678

 Physiological evolution and aging in garter snakes  2005 AM Bronikowski, AK Brunet-Rossinni, SJ Arnold INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 45 (6), 970-970

 Multivariate stabilizing selection on morphology and performance  2002 SJ Arnold INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 42 (6), 1187-1187

Summary of the current status of exotic species in Oregon  2000 SJ Arnold, JA Anthony The Oregon State of the Environment Report 2000, 127-131

Evolution of behavior, approaches to studying behavioral change  1996 SJ Arnold, HJ Brockmann Foundations of Animal Behavior, 673-682

Biology of the Reptilia, vol. 16  1989 SJ Arnold American Scientist 77, 187


Hyla regilla (Pacific Treefrog). Predation 1986 SJ Arnold, TR Halliday Herpetological Review 17, 44

Stevan J Arnold